the project began in november 2002. closer information about the details can be found under "concept".
in december 2002 I began to develop a communications network to find people who help me with my project and I was modelling the first sphere. in february the transport boxes were delivered and finally at the beginning of march, the first box went on its journey to the other side of the globe. first stopover is auckland where the sphere is exhibited for a few weeks before it continues its journey to napier and then to the chatham islands. the last part, the transport from the chatham islands to the defined spot is not solved yet but we (my partner trudi fill in auckland and me) are working on it. the documentation of the journey is made by the people who work in the transport business. these are the truckdrivers (switzerland - belgium), the container loading crew (antwerpen) and the port management crew of the port of rotterdam. the pictures were made by digital cameras and sent to me by e-mail. at the same time, there are four oneway-cameras in a paperbag accompanying the transport. I gave the cameras with instructions, return envelop and money for stamps to the truckdriver here in switzerland and asked him, to take some pictures and then give it to the next person who works with the transport. if the film is full, the camera has to be sent back to me. two of the cameras came back from belgium and the netherlands. I have no idea where the other two cameras are right now and I am strained if I get them back too. the documentation of the journey is only possible because there are people out there ready to get involved. I am really surprised how well it works and it is amazing how nice, helpful and friendly all the people are. in the today's time it is even more surprising and it makes me happy! while the ball in the box in the container was on board of the SYDNEY EXPRESS sailing to auckland, the chief officer on board took pictures and sent them to me during the journey. when they arrived in Auckland, the sphere object was presented at viaduct harbour for a few weeks. then it continued its journey to napier. in Napier the sphere object in the box was presented for a few weeks at the library, then the information centre, the national aquarium of new zealand and at the eastern institute of technology before it was loaded on the containership P&O Nedlloyd REMUERA. the captain (former first officer of the SYDNEY EXPRESS!) was ready to bring the sphere object as close as possible to its destiny. one year after the start of the project he was placing the sphere object about 63 nautic miles north of the defined spot. the placing of the southern sphere object started phase 2 of the project - the adjusting of the northern sphere object on the northern hemisphere. at the 24. august 2004 the northern sphere object was placed together with a metal plate with the coordinates of the southern sphere object. a second metal plate with the coordinates of the northern sphere object finally reached its position at 18. february 2005. phase 3 begins... |